Useful links, downloads and recipes
Here you’ll find many useful resources for keeping and enjoying bees. If you’d like to contribute something of your own, please get in touch!

Useful links
We recommend you get 'Bee Connected!'
A valuable tool connecting beekeepers with farmers & informing of crop protection activities nearby.
The National Bee Unit/BeeBase
Delivers the Bee Health Programmes on behalf of Food and Environment Research Agency (Fera) and Welsh Assembly Government (WAG) in England & Wales.
British Beekeepers Association
The website representing Beekeepers nationally
Avon Beekeepers Association
The website representing Avon Beekeepers
Bee Craft
Published magazine on beekeeping
Asian Hornet - Yellow Legged Hornet
Asian Hornet Identification Card
Asian Hornet Watch mobile phone app - Apple version
Government app to report sightings of the Asian Hornet to aid the government in eliminating this threat to our honey bees
Asian Hornet Watch mobile phone app - Android version
Government app to report sightings of the Asian Hornet to aid the government in eliminating this threat to our honey bees
E.H. Thornes
Online beekeeping supplies
Bee Suits by BB Wear
High Quality, Hard Wearing, British Bee Wear
Bee Suits by Sherriff
Beekeeping Clothing & Accessories
On line beekeeping Supplies
Introduction to Queen Rearing
Queen Rearing Slides
Bees and Honey: Creating Pollinator Gardens
Useful information about planting for pollinators
August 24 Newsletter
Bath BKA Newsletter -August
July 24Newsletter
Bath BKA Newsletter- July

Newsletters, useful articles, documents and notes from our talks
Carey Higgs - My Venture Into Chemical-Free Beekeeping
Carey's presentation highlighting his personal experience and observations.
Warre Hives - To Warre or not to Warre?
A Consideration of the Warre Hive
Extracting Honey
Nigel takes us through extracting Honey
Swarming Prevention and Control
Megan Seymour's Talk on Swarming
There are queen cells in my hive
A very user friendly document by the Welsh Assembly Government regarding queen cells
Preparing Honey for Sale and Shows
David Charles' Talk on Honey Preparation
Non-Chemical Control of Varroa
Method combining Sugar-dusting and Comb change
Flow Hive
Mike & Christine Golsworthy's first year with a Flow Hive
Zest Hive Inspection
Our first Zest Hive Inspection
Basic Beekeeping Assessment Notes
Notes and guidence on the Basic Beekeeping Asessment Sylabus
Shook Swarm
All you'll need to know about a Shook Swarm
Bailey Frame Change
All you'll need to know about a Bailey Frame Change

Hive record
Adapted from Bob Needs' Hive Record Template
Pagden Swarm Method
One Method of Swarm Control
Bath Beekeepers' YouTube Channel
Short Video Clips including our T.A. Move
Bath Beekeepers' Equipment Loan Policy
Honey Extractor booking, loan and return instructions

Melting wax
Warning: Wax is flammable and must not be melted over direct heat, so when melting wax it is always necessary to use a double saucepan or tin/basin in a saucepan of water. Never overheat wax. When mixing remove from heat.
Hand Cream 1
An excellent soothing balm for rough skin or chapped hands and is equally good as a face cream.
Heat 2oz. of pale colour beeswax in a double saucepan: when melted stir in 6oz. liquid paraffin. It will cloud slightly but will clear again as the temperature rises. Allow cooling to 120F.
In another saucepan, slightly heat 4oz. distilled water and stir in one eighth of an ounce of Borax until dissolved. Allow cooling to 120F and then pouring into wax and liquid paraffin the mixture will immediately begin to turn to white. Have containers ready with lids off.
Stir briskly with wooden spoon until mixture thickens and then add scent – say 12 drops of rose essence (not rose water) or other preferred scent. Continue to stir and then place in containers. If it cools rapidly you may have to knife the mixture into the last container.
- 2oz Beeswax Pale Colour
- 6oz Liquid Parafin
- 4oz Distilled Water
- 12 Drops essential essences (Rose etc)
Hand Cream 2Heat 7gm. pale colour beeswax and 60ml. almond oil (carrier oil) in a heat resistant bowl. Stir over pan of boiling water until the mixture melts. Remove the bowl from the pan, and SLOWLY add 30ml. flower water or distilled water stirring constantly. Keep stirring while the cream begins to cool, then add 4-6 drops of essential oil. Stir until mixture has thickened, then transfer to sterilised jars. Makes approximately 100ml.
- 7gm Pale Coloured Besswax
- 60ml Almon Oil (or other carrier oil)
- 30ml Flower Water
- 4 - 6 drops Essential oil
Cold CreamPour 84 ml olive oil (or any oil you prefer) and 28 g beeswax into a jar or basin and stand in a pan of hot water on the stove. Warm gently (do not boil!) until the wax is just melted. Warm 30 ml rosewater. Stir the oil and wax together and while stirring, add the rosewater gradually. Remove the jar from hot water and stir vigorously until cool. To make a cream which is effective in fighting wrinkles and scars, add the contents of one or two vitamin E capsules (prick the capsule and squeeze the contents out).
- 84 ml Olive Oil
- 28g Beeswax
- 30ml Rosewater
- 1-2 Vit E Capsules
Paste PolishIs a simple blend of wax with a suitable solvent. The traditional solvent is pure turpentine. This can be replaced by turps substitute or white spirit if cost is a factor. A half and half mixture gives the best of both worlds.
Melt 4oz. of beeswax in a double pan to no more than 70C /160F. Pour ½ pint of warmed solvent into wax and stir thoroughly. Pour into prepared containers. Leave to set before adding lids.
- 4oz Beeswax
- 1/2 pt solvent (e.g. Turpentine))
Paste Polish with Carnauba OilThe addition of Carnauba wax (obtainable from bee equipment suppliers) will eliminate any tackiness and reduce the amount of “elbow grease” required when buffing.
Ingredients are ½oz. carnauba wax, 4½oz. beeswax, and 1-pint solvent. Method as before. Vary amount of solvent to achieve preferred consistency.
- 1/2 oz Carnauba Oil
- 4.5 oz Beeswax
- 1 Pt Solvent (e.g.Turpentine)
Emulsion PolishAn emulsion is a mixture of two liquids (wax phase and water phase) that don’t normally mix. Emulsions clean and polish in one operation and are easy to apply.
Wax phase: Melt 4½oz. of beeswax in double pan and then add 1 pint of solvent. Raise temperature to about 80C/180F.
Water phase: In pan with pouring lip dissolve ½oz. of soap flakes by pouring 1 pint of hot water over. Adjust temperature to 80C/180F.
Remove from heat. Begin to stir wax phase . Use a hand-whisk gently at slow speed using only one paddle. Very slowly pour water phase into wax. Continue stirring for several minutes after a good emulsion forms. Using a funnel pour into warmed bottles or jars.
- 4.5 oz Bees Wax
- 1 pint Solvent (e.g. turpentine)
- 1/2 Soap Flakes
- 1pt Hot Water
Furniture Polish- Melt the wax in a double boiler then remove from heat 80 – 90 C.
- Add the turpentine and stir well with a wooden spoon. Pour into jars, seal and allow to cool before use.
- 400ml Turpentine
- 300g Beeswax
- 100g Carnauba Wax
Margaret’s furniture polish (cream) – makes 1 pintMelt both waxes in a double boiler. Add turps and soapy water, stir briskly until cool and thickened, then bottle.
- 1.5 oz beeswax
- 0.5 length of a white candle
- 0.5 pt pure turpentine
- 0.5 pt very hot water with
- 0.5 oz soap flakes (or grated soap) dissolved in
Lip Balmeverything into bain-marie EXCEPT VIT E OIL (or pyrex boil sitting in saucepan of water) heat and stir until melted
Add vitamin e oil then pour into jars to cool.
- 30ml/2tbsp coconut or olive oil (I did 50/50)
- 15ml/1tbsp of bees wax
- 4drops lavender, lemon or peppermint essential oil
- vitamin e capsule (or equivalent in vit e oil)
Luscious Lavender Lip Balm RecipeWarm the oils, beeswax and honey in a small, stainless steel pot or bowl. Be sure to warm it on VERY low heat. (You can use a double boiler, if you’d like.) Stir until the beeswax is completely melted. Remove from heat and quickly whisk in the essential oil, vitamin E, cocoa powder, and colored lipstick. Place the bottom of the bowl into a shallow pan of ice water and continue whisking quickly as you add the honey. Once the honey is incorporated, quickly transfer the balm into your lip balm container (tube or tin) and allow to set for 3 hours
- 4 Tbsp jojoba, almond, or olive oil
- 1 Tbsp grated beeswax or beeswax pearls
- 1 tsp honey
- 1/4 tsp vitamin E oil (or 3 punctured, squeezed out liquid vitamin E capsules)
- 7 drops lavender essential oil (or other essential oil)
- 1 tsp cocoa powder (optional)
- 1 tsp coloured, natural lipstick (optional, if you want it to have a hint of colour)
Propolis lip balmMelt in a double boiler and stir, adding essential oil when slightly cooled.
- 1 tblsp beeswax
- 3 tblsp oil
- 1 teasp propolis tincture
- 1 teasp lanolin
- A few drops peppermint essential oil
Lip salveMelt etc. as above.
- 30gm (1 oz) beeswax
- 30 ml (1 fl oz) apricot oil
- 30 ml (1 fl oz) wheatgerm oil
- 3 drops lavender essential oil (or myrrh, sandalwood or frankincense)